Elevate Albany: How we see the housing situation

We’re making housing affordable for families today, which keeps money in people’s pockets and gives families greater flexibility to invest in their families, health, education and communities.
The opportunities that a good home provides shouldn’t depend on having to sell that home; a home is much more than its property value.

The Albany Business Review’s ELEVATE ALBANY: HOUSING issue explored the unfolding housing crisis in our region. They asked local leaders “to share their thoughts on the biggest housing issue people aren’t recognizing, what we are not talking about enough, and how critical plentiful, diverse housing options are for recruiting and retaining the region’s workforce.” Here’s what our executive director Christine Schudde said:

“Shelter is a basic human right, and I think we often overlook that point when we talk about housing. We need to begin to talk about housing — especially homeownership — not just as a financial investment that might pay off in the future, but as a key to stability and prosperity today.

The opportunities that a good home provides shouldn’t depend on having to sell that home; a home is much more than its property value.

I’d rather focus on making housing affordable [for families] today, which keeps money in people’s pockets and gives families greater flexibility to invest in their families, health, education and communities.

Read perspectives from other regional executives at https://www.bizjournals.com/albany/news/2023/09/14/albany-housing-market-experts-perspectives.html.


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